
How to Measure & Improve SEO: eMetrics London 2010 Presentation

Last week, I gave a 45-minute presentation at eMetrics London on a variety of analytics for SEO topics. The presentation slide deck is embedded below:

Metrics for SEO by Rand Fishkin (eMetrics London 2010)

The presentation went into more depth in person, but topics included:

Some basics:

  • Measuring traffic against macro query growth
  • Measuring against search market share
  • Measuring against temporal trends
  • Keyword selection based on traffic quantity, quality and difficulty of ranking
  • Choosing keyword messaging to optimize conversion rate
  • Tracking CTRs on search results
  • Identifying crawl errors using a variety of tools
  • Tracking rankings – when, where and why it’s useful 

A handful of intermediate level tactics:

  • Getting beyond “last-click” attribution
  • Evaluating indexation for SEO
  • Tracking vertical search results using filters

And some more advanced items:

  • Evaluating metrics for predicting search results ordering and valuing links/content
  • Applying metrics to improve your SEO
  • Valuing social media together with search
  • Discussing the relative impacts (both primary and second-order effects) that social has on rankings

Happy weekend everyone!

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